Book Review-Glimpses of Grace Treasuring the Gospel in Your Home by Gloria Furman

Ok, so when I read the book Give them Grace by Elyse Fitzpatrick and her daughter Jessica Thompson, this is the message I thought I was getting... a book about treasuring the Gospel and embracing it in everyday life. Well, that wasn't exactly the case, instead THIS book is just that-encouragement on how daily doses of grace may look and wisdom straight from God's word about His grace in the completed work of Jesus Christ.
I don't know about you, but I have recently come to the realization that I have lived much of my Christian with the whole idea of "works righteousness." I'll explain for those of you who need a definition. Works righteousness is basically doing instead of resting in God, it is striving instead of dwelling with God, it is comparing instead of mimicking Jesus Christ. So, once again this was a great book for me personally and my struggle to "treasure the Gospel" and as a friend put it, "preach the Gospel to myself everyday," thanks Jo.
The author reminds moms that we may not be able to get that one hour of quiet to spend with the Lord on a daily basis, so we look for God throughout the day and find plenty of opportunities to grow in holiness while we merely do life. And we must believe and strive for our hearts to be motivated by love and transformed by Christ. Every effort we make during our day, must be motivated by God's grace.
This book was loaded with Scripture and personal examples of the practical side of adorning the Gospel as mentioned in Titus 2:10. I personally needed this message of encouragement and inspiration and would highly recommend it.


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