Book Review-What is a Family by Edith Schaeffer

For my second book, I read What is a Family by Edith Schaeffer. It was recommended by the author of A Woman after God's own heart, Elizabeth George.

It was published in the 70s and as long as you can get past the outdated references, it is a great encouragement for us (as women) to invest/foster the  family atmosphere in our home. She paints a picture of a multi-generational family reunion and uses Scripture, but draws mostly from her personal experience.

Here are the take-aways:
The home is meant to be a safe, warm, and inviting environment.

Being a wife and mother IS a career. It is "a most exciting possibility of turning the tide, of saving the species, of affecting history, of doing something that will be felt and heard in ever-widening circles." Just think both Billy Graham and Hitler were both people who changed history, we can influence the future (to a certain degree) for good or evil.

Be intentional in being a family, plan reunions, attend special occasions in person, ie. weddings, anniversaries, significant birthday celebrations, etc. If the family unit is intact and healthy, we wil have strong communities, states, and nations- it is worth fighting for. It is where people learn that they are "significant, important and worthwhile." It should be a place where children learn that they are made in the image of God and are told repeatedly about God's truths in hopes that they are saved. We need to teach them: 1)who God is, 2) what He has done, 3) what He has said, 4) what He means to you.

In regards to formal education, she says to pray that our homes will be places that keep things in persepctive and that the education received outside of the home would not "rock" our children or their understaing of God's truths.

It is important for us to realize that God can speak to our kids too and not to hinder a direction that God may be leading them even though it may not fit into our "plan" for their lives!

Be hospitable and have boundaries, ie. guard family nights, dinners, etc.

We MUST provide an "atmosphere conducive to creativity"
It is so important to our kids to RESPOND to their requests for help or to show us something, even if it is the 15th LEGO creation or whatever and to be positive.

That pretty much sums it up, if you would like to borrow it just ask. The last one was from the library.Confused smile
Sorry for the bullet points, that is how I think best these days!
Enjoy!Winking smile


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