Your Magnificent Chooser

In order to understand the author's point of view and idea for the main character, Chooser, you will want to read the Note to Parents. The Chooser is our will, also known as our ability to choose right from wrong and commit to something. The book addresses the personal nature of each person's individual "Chooser." It is a creative personification of our will that utilizes child-friendly illustrations and tries to bring kid-friendly concepts to life, like avoiding conflict, letting others make the decision, etc. The Chooser as depicted on the cover is depicted by a colorful orb and apparently God owns one too-a perfect one; this in particular struck me as slightly bizarre. I read it several times to myself and my four young children, but I'll be honest it is not a favorite. The physical book and illustrations are great, I'm still not convinced that his choice of personification works. To comply with new regulations introduced by the Federal Trade Commissio...